Really, some people are just SO STARVED for attention
The infamous Ringo onna has now, in addition to
- Believing Tsubasa to be Archangel Gabriel (I'm fine with that)
- Ranting insanely on her blog about Takki being
1) Shinigami, as in death god from the MANGA Deathnote or
2) The devil himself
- Disrupting a T&T concert by trying to barge on stage after Takki refuse to peel an apple for her (wth..??)
prophesized that T&T will disband on 11th May, which is tomorrow.
Else she will run around naked at the Yokohama Arena (which is a huuuge indoor stadium) holding a sign that says "Takki is not the devil himself"
Oh come on.
If you wanna run around naked, GO AHEAD AND DO IT
Whats with these pathetic excuses anyway.
And we ALREADY know Takki is not the devil.
How 'bout a sign that says "I am a pathetic demented ass with no life" instead??
Oh wait.
We already know that too.
Anway, privately all the fans are horrified.
Eveyone's howling
"NOOOOOOOOOO we don't wanna see her NEKKID~~"What if the media snaps a picture of her running NEKKID in all her saggy gory-ness
and smacks it into next day's newspapers with a nice Takki picture right beside??
*pokes eyes out*I hope it rains REALLY HARD on the 11th.